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Lintian website feedback

Hello Lintian maintainers!

I'm writing because I noticed that the lintian.debian.org domain name, which hosts the Lintian documentation resources and is linked to from the Debian wiki page at https://wiki.debian.org/Lintian, is no longer active. I found this lintian-maint mailing list through the Wayback Machine, which seems to have most recently indexed the man page in September, 2023.  I wanted to provide this heads-up to you all because we use Lintian to maintain the integrity of our Debian package index internally at my company and our link to the tags list at https://lintian.debian.org/tags has stopped working. 

I noticed that there is an outstanding bug report #1053710 at https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=1053710 which also documents the issue, but has not been triaged by the maintainers.  Please let me know if there is a better place to report the issue. 


Josh Leder

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