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Bug#695866: Bug#695839: lintian: Long-running instances reserves 2.5+ GBs, but avg RES is < 1G MB

Control: tags -1 confirmed

On 2012-12-13 21:26, Niels Thykier wrote:
>> [...]
> top tells me that Lintian starts its memory usage at about 450MB/300MB
> and ends at about 620MB/450MB[1].  During this interval, Lintian
> processed about 512 groups[2].
> Assuming the entire change is a leak, Lintian is leaking (avg) 0.33 MB
> per "group".  That said, the leaks do not seem be "per package".
> Instead they appear to come in "spikes".
>   I noticed spikes near ace, libtao-orbsvcs, libtao-doc and acl2,
> which may (or may not) be triggering the leak.
> ~Niels
> [1]
> [...] 450m 306m 2164 S    0 15.2   0:28.37 lintian
> [...] 621m 449m 3356 S    0 22.3  33:22.56 lintian
> [2] So about 512 source packages and (estimated) 1000 binaries.

It seems that (part of) this leak can be triggered with something like:

 $LAB->visit_packages (sub {
        my ($entry) = @_;
	while (1) {
	    eval { $entry->info->index (''); };

So, somewhere in the load of our index do we or perl leak something.


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