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Bug#359059: lintian: Allow vendor/user specific checks

* Niels Thykier <niels@thykier.net>, 2012-09-17, 13:49:
I have devised a prototype implementation[1], which should demonstrate how this could be implemented with relatively few changes on top of the master branch.

In the prototype,
1 the command line argument is "--contrib-check X"
2 if $CHECKS/contrib/X.desc is a file or symlink, then that is loaded
3 if $CHECKS/contrib/X is a dir (or symlink to a dir), all checks in
  that dir is loaded (but no recursion is done).
  (More or less a "$CHECKS/contrib/X/*.desc")
4 $CHECKS is one of (in order):
  - ~/.lintian/checks
  - /etc/lintian/checks
  - LINTIAN_ROOT/checks (usually /usr/share/lintian/checks)
  (NB: Yes, this means you can "shadow" a built-in check)

2+3 together allows providers to split their check into multiple files (or merge multiple files into one) without users needing to know or care about it.

Will there be a way to run _only_ contrib checks, i.e. skip the ones from lintian proper?

Will there be a visual indication that an emitted tag comes from a contrib check? [lintian4python uses e:/w:/i:/p:/x: instead of E:/W:/I:/P:/X:, so that its output can't be easily confused with official lintian output.]

How will overrides play with contrib checks? [I had a user who wanted to add an override for lintian4python, though there's currently no way to do that.]

FTR, the prototype only loads collections from LINTIAN_ROOT/collections.

Do we want to add a "contrib" dir in collections/ as well? Personally I think it would be a good idea as then we (i.e. Lintian maintainers) don't have to worry about name conflicts with contrib modules.

I haven't thought thoroughly about it, but my gut feeling is that allowing 3rd-party collections would open a can of worms...
A couple of open questions:

* Where do contrib checks install their data files?

  A suggestion could be:
  and have Lintian special case it.

Sounds good to me.

Jakub Wilk

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