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Custom license conditions and grant for Wordplay package (was: license compatibility)

debian.mailinglists@melachim.net writes:

> What is the work we are discussing? Can we see the full source online
> somewhere (to see its entire license grant)?

(That was written by me in a previous message, but it's appearing in the
material you wrote. I think something is failing in your message quoting
set-up, which is likely to make discussion confusing. Would you like
help fixing that? Contact me off-list if you need my help there.)

> http://deb.debian.org/debian/pool/main/w/wordplay/wordplay_7.22.orig.tar.gz

For reference in this thread, the license grant contained there appears
to be, in its entirety, this text from the Read Me document:


Wordplay Version 7.22     Evans A Criswell   03-20-96


This program was written for fun and is free.  Distribute it as you please,
but please distribute the entire package, with the original words721.txt and 
the readme file.  If you modify the code, please mention my name in it as the
original author.  Please send me a copy of improvements you make, because I
may include them in a future version.

I may be contacted by email at criswell@cs.uah.edu

Evans A Criswell
Research Associate
Computer Science Department
University of Alabama in Huntsville
Huntsville, AL  35899


I'll comment on that text in a separate message.

 \       “It's easy to play any musical instrument: all you have to do |
  `\       is touch the right key at the right time and the instrument |
_o__)                        will play itself.” —Johann Sebastian Bach |
Ben Finney

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