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Re: Upgrade error that I don't know how to solve

> You need more storage available during the upgrade on whatever device has the /lib directory. Purging a package, as you found, may help, but is only a temporary mitigation. You probably need to increase free storage gong forward, either by purging more (maybe much more) or migrating to a larger device. Running nearly full negatively affects performance and, in the case of SSDs, service life.
> It would help if you posted information about the distribution of storage, for example, the output of
> df -h
> This kind of question is not peculiar to laptops, and the debian-user mailing list probably would be a better place to post it, if only because that is a more active list.
> Regards,
> Tom Dial

I had a little too less storage left and then found that debian had piled up older kernel versions that i don't need anymore. (It seems kernels never get deleted automaticly.)

Deleting the obsolete ones together with all dependent packages like headers and linux-kbuild freed nearly 30 Gigabyte !

hth mi

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