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Re: [spam subject elided] (fwd)

On Mon, 2018-12-03 at 22:33 -0500, Marvin Renich wrote:
> Are you saying that because others have, in the past, resorted to
> violence that it becomes justifiable?  

No, I'm saying lessons learned from History are to always be respected
and not ignored.

> Over an offer to help that was sent to the wrong place and was thus
> not answered?  

Context, it's always important.  The offerS have been given by several
people, over several years, across several methods.  I know Dave, I have
a reasonable idea of how Dave would have make his first, second, third,
fourth, fifth, and sixth offers to help.  I can also imagine that it
probably took Dave at least several years, of offering *free* help,
before he blew a gasket at the continuance of a problem that he is very
keenly aware of how to solve.  I, on a parallel plane, have been
advocating for improvements, and complaining about the spam problem, for
several years now too.  I'll make a prediction, nothing will improve and
obvious spam will still leak through b.d.o.  At some point though,
receivers will start blocking b.d.o, they do it now selectively for some
 servers in the large outbound server farms of Hotmail, Google, AOL,
etc., what's Debian going to do when their single outbound b.d.o server
ends up listed on a few DNSBLs?

> Sorry, that is just plain wrong.

Which part?  The part about context mattering?

-Jim P.

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