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Re: managing networks on laptop

* On 2013 27 Dec 02:03 -0600, Richard Hector wrote:
> Hi all,
> Currently I'm using Network Manager on my laptop, which mostly works
> except when I want to ssh in from my desktop, and I'm not logged in on
> my laptop. Under those circumstances, the network isn't up.
> What I really want (I think) is for my laptop to connect to known
> networks, either by wired or wireless, when it finds them, but allow me
> to connect (probably with a gui) to other networks manually when they're
> available. I also need to be able to connect manually to an OpenVPN VPN
> from time to time.

I find that WiCD will open the network interface before logging into the
GUI if it can associate with an AP that is set for automatic connection.
Likewise with the wired interface.

> Additionally, where wired and wireless networks are both available, and
> are the same, I'd like them to get the same IP address. (Addresses, in
> fact - at some point I should get IPv6 running too ...) I've seen
> suggestions to use bonding to achieve this, but I'm not sure how that
> works when wired and wireless are not always the same network.

As I understand it, that will be a task for your DHCP server, if you use
that, otherwise WiCD can be configured for assigning static addresses.

> Are there standard tools that will let me do these things?

Probably.  I prefer to deal with WiCD, however.

> I think Network Manager might not handle it. Whereami might, but I think
> it's been unmaintained for a while now.

NM tries to be too clever, IMO, and thus resists efforts to control it.

- Nate


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