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softwre suspend 2 -- getting closer...

OK, I know I've been making lots of unhelpful noise on this topic

I feel I'm getting close to a working suspendable kernel.  

On my IBM thinkpad600e, I have installed a 2.6.12 kernel, using the
debian sources and the experimental kernel-patch-suspend2 patches (so,
not the upstream source/patch combo, which I can't get to work).  I am
compiling with gcc 4.0.2 (maybe this is a mistake, but I don't remember
how to set the compiler version...) and my .config and
grub/menu.lst are  posted here: 


[you'll note I have CONFIG_SUSPEND2_CHECK_RESUME_SAFE=y in my config
file.  I understand, perhaps falsely, that's the origin of this
warning, but presumably not of the problem?

I am also using the hibernate-1.12 package from unstable.  
The kernel boots fine, runs fine, suspends fine.  But it will not
resume, and on every boot, I get a long message:

Initrd is not properly configured for resuming...

and a bunch of stuff I didn't copy down, ending with a choice
"continue" [boot this kernel w/out resuming] or "reboot"[back to
bios].  If I continue, and I in fact have a hibernation image in my
swwap file, I get further warnings about erasing that image.

I've searched the archives & the FAQ but there isn't much info re:
this particular error.  I imagine I've failed to set some switch
somewhere, or something isn't being echoed properly into "proc" -- but
I don't know what.  

Also, on the same machine I have Bob Proulx's patched 2.6.8 kernel
installed, which I got here:


This kernel CAN find the suspend image it generates, but crashes when
it tries to read it -- from the error message it looks like acpi gets
upset; the acpi implementation is broken on my laptop, so I was hoping
a new kernel without acpi support would work -- but no such luck, at
least not yet.

Anyway, I would much appreciate whatever help folks can give, esp. in
terms of what specifically would generate this message, whether I
might be missing some configuration element, and whether I have
exhausted my options enough to file a bug.  



 .''`.       Matt Price 
: :'  :      Debian User
`. `'` 	     & hemi-geek

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