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Re: vga-out + lcd together

On Sat, 2005-03-05 at 22:14 +1100, sime wrote:
> Jason Martens wrote:
> > Andreas Tille wrote:
> > |> My Toshiba BIOS gives me the option to boot with the VGA-Out and LCD
> > |> being mirror. Which works partially, the kernel boot messages are
> > |> displaying on both screens fine.
> > |>
> > |> But when X starts, the LCD screen turns off, VGA-Out is fine. I
> > |> believe that this is an issue with my XF86Config-4, is there
> > |> additional hacking that needs to be done ?
> > 
> > Yes, this is probably a XF86Config issue.  What video card do you use?
> > The multi-head options are different with each video card.  You can try
> > doing a "man drivername" where drivername is the name of the X11 driver
> > you are using.  For me, man radeon shows me the dual head options that I
> > needed to manually add to the X config file.
> My bad, it's actually a nvidia chipset. I managed to get in touch with a 
> fellow Toshiba owner, Ulrich Hertlein[1], who also had a nvidia chipset. 
> He spewed out his xorg.conf and I stole the following lines which now 
> does the trick.
>       Option "ConnectedMonitor"         "DFP,CRT"
>       Option "TwinView"                 "true"
>       Option "TwinViewOrientation"      "clone"
>       Option "MetaModes"                "1024x768,1024x768"
>       Option "SecondMonitorHorizSync"   "31.5-90"
>       Option "SecondMonitorVertRefresh" "60"
> The secrect I believe is the BIOS option which is lightly documented in 
> any Linux Laptop howto/faq, which is something that Ulrich discovered.
> [1] http://www.sandbox.de/toshiba/
> -sime

Question. What driver are you using? Is it the standard nv driver that
comes with Xorg? Or did you download the binary driver from nVidia? I'm
curious because I've been trying to get vga-out working on my Powerbook
with an nVidia chipset. However, since nVidia doesn't release any
drivers for the PPC architecture, I've had to use the default nv driver
without much success.


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