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toshiba satellite 2770 *newbie alert*

hello world!

for the last 48 hours i had been trying to install woody (and sarge) on my toshiba 
satellite 2770 but had no success (and ruined my windows installation thrice...) maybe 
some of you could help! sorry if i sound like i don't know what i'm talking about, cause i 
probably don't:)

let's start with WOODY:

1. which kernal should i choose? i started out with BF24 thinking it might support more 
hardwares, but should i have chosen LINUX or COMPACT or VANILLA? i'm not even 
sure what are the differences, except the kernal version...

2. mouse problems: i have a 101/102 PS/2 keyboard with accuPoint II mouse but i can't 
get it to work...what protocol and device do i choose? i had selected PS/2 and 
/dev/psaux but that doesn't seem to work...

3. XFree86: 

   a: what manager should i choose? i think they're called g-something, x-something and 
k-something respectively and i guess g-something is for gnome? the only time it worked 
(without mouse support) was when i chose x-something...

   b: i have a S3 Savage IX/MV 86c278/294 adapter card, does it have something to do 
with this thing called "framebuffer"?? i played with knoppix 3.3 (3.4 hangs during 
initialization...) and it selected generic fedev?? i tried that but it didn't work either. 

4. i have an ethernet card, which uses a Argosy en235 driver, how do i get it to work? 
knoppix 3.3 could detect it automatically, and i think woody does too but when i tried to 
download security patches from debian site it told me it couldn't fetch them...

5. the really weird thing is, so i couldn't get x-windows right? and when i was in text 
mode i tried to reboot and typed " shutdown -r now", it told me commend "shutdown" 
doesn't exist?? what was i doing wrong??? i have only 2 partitions for debian, one for 
swap and everything on the other, is that the problem? should i have /usr, /var and all 

6. during the kernal and module installation, is there anything i should select?? the 
install manual i got said i could just skip it, but it seems there are a few things i could 
use...i'm just not sure which...

7. i noticed during partitioning that there's a 8MB space left unused on the hard disc, 
which is used by my windows 2000, so i left it "unusable", however during the reboot it 
got wiped out and i couldn't start windows anymore! how do i keep that from happening 

now SARGE:

i only got past the hard disc partition!! then when it tried to read my CD it said my 
CDROM wasn't mounted or i didn't have the correct CD...???@#@#$$#%^

ok i still got millions of questions but i'll shut up with this one: people told me if i do a 
knoppix install i'll have a standard debian install, what does that mean?? let's say i 
installed knoppix 3.3, would i have kde or any graphic interface? would i have internet 
access? if so i'd give it a try...

thanks for listening, have a good afternoon!

greetings from berlin,

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