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Re: Proxim orinoco gold wireless card


I am getting mine soon hopefully, they are wonderful cards from what I have been told by a lot more then a handful of people, and that they are fairly simple to install on Linux.

Maybe some documentation that will help, looks thorough.

Then theres always O'Reilly...
http://www.oreillynet.com/pub/a/wireless/2000/11/03/wavelan.html?page=2 (Watch for Linux header about 3/5ths down the page)

Wish I had the hands on experience to help, but if your struggling still in about 3 weeks, I'll get back to you then (let's hope it doesn't take that long).


On Fri, 11 Jul 2003 22:01:35 -0700
Michael Perry <mperry@lnxpowered.org> wrote:

> Anyone ever gotten one of these working?  This card has the dood rising
> his arm on it but there is nothing really to rise the arm about when
> trying to use it in Linux... :)
> cardctl ident shows it as:
> Socket 0:
>   product info: "Agere Systems", "Wireless PC Card Model 0111", "", ""
>   manfid: 0x0156, 0x0003
>   function: 6 (network)
> I tried adding this to /etc/pcmcia/config and/or /etc/pcmcia/hermes.conf
> and the card is mis-identified and the hermes/orinoco drivers do not
> load correctly.  I get some of this stuff in dmesg:
> Jul 11 21:40:04 speedy kernel: hermes @ IO 0x200: Truncating LTV record
> from -2 to 6 bytes. (rid=0xfc01, len=0x0000)
> then finally...
> Jul 11 21:40:04 speedy kernel: eth1: firmware ALLOC bug detected (old
> Symbol fir
> mware?). Trying to work around... failed!
> Any ideas so I could raise my hand along with the guy on the card? :)
> -- 
> Michael Perry | Do or do not. There is no try. -Master Yoda
> mperry@lnxpowered.org | http://www.lnxpowered.org
> -- 
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