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Re: [Q] From RedHat to Debian

    "Bob" == Bob Nielsen <nielsen@oz.net> writes:

    Bob> When I made the transition (six or seven years ago) it was
    Bob> easy: 
    Bob> 1.  Attempt to upgrade Red Hat 
    Bob> 2.  Swear at systemwhich will no longer boot.  
    Bob> 3.  Install Debian.

    Bob> Hopefully Red Hat has improved since then, but I learned my
    Bob> lesson.

AFAIK it is still about the same. Some of my co-workers are hardcore
RH fans, and they use it for some reasonably "mission critical"
servers (CVS repository hosts). They are upgrading to RH 8.0 (I
think....8.0 is the latest, right?) this coming week. They will
backup, reinstall RH and restore backed up data.


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