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Re: Who's messing up my resolv.conf (woody)

On Mon, Feb 18, 2002 at 10:55:38AM -0600, Petr Hlustik wrote:
> Hello folks,
> I am sorry to see so many broken pieces regarding woody, 2.4 kernels &
> PCMCIA. I'm lucky since I've had my CardBus card working w/o interruption
> after woody upgrade (with 2.4.17 and kernel modules) but I have another
> trouble.
> I run the hotplug + ifupdown + guessnet combo to reconfigure my PCMCIA eth0
> based on network: office = fixed IP, library = DHCP. It works fine
> switching back and forth except for the resolv.conf. After I use the DHCP,
> it gets changed, e.g., the first line becomes
> domain lib.uchicago.edu\000
> which is correct for the subnet but the \000 breaks it. 

I have seen this before. In my case, the \000 was courtesy of Windows
2000 DNS/DHCP server. Something to do with Active Directory, I think.
It's being added because your dhcp client is requesting a
domain-search-path, and Win2k's DHCP server is providing it. (corrupted
as it is.)

When you connect to your other network, the DHCP server is not providing
another search path.

If you're using dhclient, modify /etc/dhclient.conf to override
('supersede') the domain-search-path with what you want.

If you're using pump, add 'nodns' to /etc/pump.conf to stop pump from
updating /etc/resolv.conf

If you're using something else, check the man pages.

Mike Alborn <malborn@odoitau.dyn.dhs.org>
# pgp keyid: C36DC30B
# http://odoitau.dyn.dhs.org

The trouble with you
Is the trouble with me.
Got two good eyes
But we still don't see.
		-- Robert Hunter, "Workingman's Dead"

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