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Re: StarOffice installtion crashes on IBM T22

Sometime on Sun, Sep 02, 2001 at 03:08:47PM +0200, Martin Sk?tt typed out the following...
> This might be a bit offtopic, but my IBM T22 laptop is the only machine I have
> had this problem with :-)
> My machine simplu hangs the first time I press a button in the StarOffice 5.2
> installation wizard. I have tried several different editions of SO 5.2, both
> downloaded from sun.com and from a Sun CD and all of them crash. Crashing in 
> the way that the only thing I can do to get in contact with the machine again
> is to switvh it off and on again.
> I have tried the installation on a couple of other machines and it works fine
> there. The only difference between the crashing and the working machines is
> that the crashing machine is a IBM T22 laptop using XFS.
> My machine is a IBM T22 (2647-B8G) runnig Debian testing with kernel 2.4.5.
> Has anyone else experienced this and have you got a solution to the problem?
...and that's all Martin Sk?tt wrote I'm afraid

Yup, I have the same problem on a desktop.  I haven't upgraded the kernel from
2.2r3 yet, but other than that I'm on testing.  I think it may be a combination
of the XFree version and card driver (I'm on the Savage4 driver).
Unfortunately I don't have a solution yet - other than perhaps downgrading
XFree, installing, and then upgrading again!  It works fine on my laptop (Dell
Latitude C600) running exactly the same setup but with the Rage Mobilty
graphics driver.  Oh, and mine is a local install, not an XFS one (well a
network install to a local drive).

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