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Re: power button dell inspiron 4000

Tim Connors wrote:
> One annoying um, feature, of the dell laptop, is the ability to shut down
> immediately upon pressing the power button. I have not found anything on
> the web to disable the power button (seems there are lots of references to
> toshiba laptops though), has anyone else found anything useful?
> Unfortuneatly, there is nothing in the bios that says "power
> switch==off/suspend" - is there a newer bios that fixes this?
If dmesg pumps out something like this, then APM is enabled in the
apm: BIOS version 1.2 Flags 0x03 (Driver version 1.13)

Edit /etc/lilo.conf
#	restricted
#	alias=1

Add the append line. Then when you halt, APM will shutoff the machine.

Hope this helps,

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