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Re: Burning CD-Rs with my Laptop?

> Hi,
> I'm looking for a solution to burn CD-Roms with my Laptop.
> (Gericom OverdoseII, 366 Celeron, 64 Mb, 2x pcmcia, 2x usb)
> It shouldn't be too expensive and should work in real life, not
> just in theory. (And of course with linux)
Heh, with that nospam class address you are such a shill, but
I'll bite for a plug.  Tuxtops has a bunch of models, and CDRW
is an option...

Though I have to admit, our debian preload is only ----almost----

Anyways, now to answer the rest of your gabble as myself...

> Here are some considerations. Maybe you can correct me, or
> tell me what works ok for you, or give some recommendations.
> external ide-writer connected to parallel-port
>   too slow, too unreliable during burning, system
>   almost stops during parport data-transfers (at
>   least thats my experience with a external parport
>   2.5" Hard-Drive), can only burn at 4x speed

Yuck.  If you're gonna go external, get one of those Addonics
PCMCIA attached ones.  At least you'll come in via the PCMCIA
to PCI bridge instead of that putzy 25 pin plug. 

I'll admit that I only have their CD bay, but it works great
and I have 3 laptops share it :)  So I have confidence their
RW ought to work nicely

I should note that the speed at which you should burn is also
going to be limited by how good the CDRW media you use is. 
At least with RWs if it stinks you can re-cook it.  But you
don't want to have to cook 4 times to get one disc, do you?

Our Obsidian 30w has this slide bay so it acts internal. I'd
have to check on our new models, I'm not at work right now!

> external writer connected to usb port
>   a bit more reliable, but till too slow,
>   same 4x speed limit, problems with
>   usb kernel support

I have not tried this so I'll take your word for it. 

> external scsi-writer connected to scsi pcmcia-card
>   2 words: too expensive

oh well, it has the advantage of coming in on the fast
bus and then being able to take async lowlevel commands.
Also something I've not tried, but mere specs say it 
should be the fastest you could get. 

> external ide-writer connected to ide-pcmcia-card
>   inexpensive, no speed limit, the external case
>   can also be used for eide harddisks
Okay, maybe.  The Addonics thingy cuts the case out of
the loop, though you cannot add more drives, I think.

For just tacking on more IDE drives I use a CarryDisk.
But I had to make a tweak to the pcmcia core options
to make it accept more time before resetting the card,
otherwise, it couldn't handle newer drives - they take 
longer to spin up than an old 528 Mb...
> So currently the last one is  my favorite solution.
> But:
> Does this work? Has anyone done that? And where
> do you get these ide-pcmcia-cards?

I own *one* general case IDE/PCMCIA card, but my digging on
the net only found things that lead to special cases and
connectors.   If I'd realized how rare the small ones were 
going to become I'd have bought at least 10 of 'em :(

> thanx
>  ron

Best luck 

Heather Stern -*- star -*- starshine.org (home) -*- tuxtops.com (work)

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