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Re: Firewalls

On Wed, 15 Mar 2000, Nigel Sale <Nigel.Sale@martin-baker.co.uk> wrote:


>> > But my ultimate reason for doing this is that i want to be able to
>> > use apt-get from behind this firewall....so i need to socksify
>> > apt-get, has anybody done this ?
>> Er. I had real problems with apt-get and dante working together. Then
>> I went to unstable and simply used my web proxy to do it all, which
>> is good.
> Can you elaborate on this last bit, how do you use apt-get from 
> behind your firewall ?

I couldn't, I fear. apt-get bombed out for me on some error or other[1]
about getpeername() failing. This was with HTTP archives only.

The version of apt-get in Debian unstable lets you specify proxies to
use rather than always connecting directly, so I use it (now) by talking
through my web proxy.

I never did get Dante to work with it though (although this was in the
pre-1.0 days of Dante, and maybe the 1.0 release). The socks4 stuff did
work with apt-get, but was more of a pain to configure.


[1]  It's been, like, over six months since I tried this. :/

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