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traducere dpkg, thread nou


scuze pentru marimea mesajului.

msgid "backend dpkg-deb during `%.255s'"
eddy a sugerat 'suport intern' dar asta e substantiv
iar eu am nevoie de ceva de gen verb
msgid "%s - warning: downgrading %.250s from %.250s to %.250s.\n"
msgid "Will not downgrade %.250s from version %.250s to %.250s, skipping.\n"
asta tot in aer e, sugestile existente:
- sorin: degradare
- dan: invechit, sau alt antonim la actualizare( ?? na-m idee daca mai exista)
- mihai: instalare versiune mai veche
versiunea lui mihai mi se pare cea mai potrivita dar mai vreau si
alte opinii

msgid ""
"dpkg: %s: warning - conffile `%.250s' resolves to degenerate filename\n"
degenerate filename => nume degradat de fisier???
msgid "Don't forget to foreground (`fg') this process when you're done !\n"
"      Z     : background this process to examine the situation\n"
asta tot asa a ramas, sugestii:
- sorin: prin-plan respectiv fundal
problema e ca aici sunt verbe
msgid ""
"Version of dpkg with working epoch support not yet configured.\n"
epoch cu sensul simultan de data si ora, moment de timp?
ar veni: "suport de moment de timp", mie nu-mi place dar nu vad

msgid "failed to open statoverride file"
msgid "failed to open diversions file"
astea doua statoverride si diversions sunt neologisme si in limba
engleza cred, pt. ca sunt definite in mod explicit in documentatia
interna de la dpkg ca find:
  Diversions  are  a method to instruct dpkg to use a different filename
   when  installing  a  file.  This  can  be  useful to prevent conflicts
   between  related  packages  or  when  a  system  administator wants to
   replace a file with another version.
When you install a package dpkg will use the ownership and permissions
   that  are  used  inside  the package. In some situations you might not
   agree  with  those  defaults  and would like to use other settings. To
   support  this  a  feature  called statoverrides was introduced in dpkg
   1.8.0, and an accompanying tool called dpkg-statoverride.
n-am nici cea mai vaga idee cum sa procedez.
msgid "error un-catching signal %s: %s\n"
un-catching => neprins??

cam atit momentan, sa-r putea sa-mi fi scapat citeva dar oricum aici e

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