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Use paid media successfully

lists.debian.orglists.debian.orgHey , There

How are things going with your company? I noticed that over the last month you've been investing in Facebook and Google advertising. At [[your company]], we help organizations like yours ensure that their media budget is being best spent and optimized for results. I think there are a few areas in which you could improve your current paid media spend.

Here are a few simple opportunities you may be overlooking: 
> [[Social Link]] 
> [[Email Collabs]] 
> [[Twitch Streams]]

We put together a case study about how we helped [[TTmProd]] find success using paid media. Would you be interested in checking it out? They went from a [[00]] click-through rate on their advertisements to [[1Milio mails]]. Let me know! https://www.instagram.com/ttmonewagesoundfficiall/

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