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[RFR] templates://frontaccounting/{templates}

Please find, for review, the debconf templates and packages descriptions for the frontaccounting source package.

Yet Another Package That Configures A Database Itself Instead Of Using
The Nice dbconfig-common Package...:-(

This review will last from Monday, June 07, 2010 to Thursday, June 17, 2010.

Please send reviews as unified diffs (diff -u) against the original
files. Comments about your proposed changes will be appreciated.

Your review should be sent as an answer to this mail.

When appropriate, I will send intermediate requests for review, with
"[RFRn]" (n>=2) as a subject tag.

When we will reach a consensus, I send a "Last Chance For
Comments" mail with "[LCFC]" as a subject tag.

Finally, the reviewed templates will be sent to the package maintainer
as a bug report, and a mail will be sent to this list with "[BTS]" as
a subject tag.

--- frontaccounting.old/debian/templates	2010-05-30 09:28:48.998670799 +0200
+++ frontaccounting/debian/templates	2010-06-07 07:16:31.793949615 +0200
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 Template: frontaccounting/webserver
 Type: multiselect
-_Choices: apache2, lighttpd
+__Choices: apache2, lighttpd

Split Choices

 _Description: Web server to reconfigure automatically:
  Please choose the web server that should be automatically configured
  to run FrontAccounting.
@@ -8,126 +8,134 @@
 Template: frontaccounting/db_initialized
 Type: boolean
 Default: false
-_Description: Has the database already been initialized?
+_Description: Has the FrontAccounting database already been initialized?

"Database for what?". That is particularly important if the package is
installed along with many others.

 Template: frontaccounting/skipdb
 Type: boolean
 Default: false
 _Description: Skip database creation?
- Debconf can set up the FrontAccounting database automatically or you can create it
- manually after installation.
+ The FrontAccounting database can be setup automatically or you can create it
+ manually after installation.

Don't mention "debconf" (see Developer's Reference), so use passive voice

 Template: frontaccounting/manualdb
-Type: note
-_Description: Manual database configuration required!
- No mysql client found, which means there's no way to offer automatic database
- setup. If you wish to get help setting up the database configuration, please
- install mysql-client (and possibly also mysql-server if you want to run the
- database server on this machine) and then run "dpkg-reconfigure frontaccounting" to
- rerun this configuration wizard. For now, the database configuration will be
- skipped....
+Type: error
+_Description: Manual database configuration required
+ No MySql client was found, which means it is not possible to
+ automatically create FontAccounting's database.
+ .
+ You should install the mysql-client package (as well as mysql-server
+ if you want the database to be hosted on this machine) and then run
+ "dpkg-reconfigure frontaccounting" again. For now, the database
+ configuration will be skipped.

Properly capitalize MySql.

Split in two paragraphs for readability.

Rewording here and there...
 Template: frontaccounting/db_host
 Type: string
 Default: localhost
-_Description: FrontAccounting database host name:
- This should be the host-name or IP address that FrontAccounting will use to access
- the database.
+_Description: FrontAccounting database server host name:
+ Please enter the host name or IP address of the database server that
+ will host FrontAccounting's database.

This is the DB *server* host name....

Avoid "This is <foo>" which "links" the synopsis and the long
description and is discouraged in the Devleoper's Reference.
 Template: frontaccounting/db_name
 Type: string
 Default: frontaccounting
-_Description: frontaccounting database name:
- This is the name of the database that FrontAccounting will use.
+_Description: FrontAccounting database name:
+ Please choose the name for FrontAccounting's database.

Proper capitalization and avoid "this is".
 Template: frontaccounting/db_prefix
 Type: boolean
 Default: true
-_Description: Do you want to use '0_' prefix on FrontAccounting tables?
- If you plan to use FrontAccounting same database for more than one company you 
- have to use prefix on tables.
+_Description: Do you want to use a prefix on FrontAccounting tables?
+ If the same FrontAccounting database should host more than one
+ company, table names should be prefixed by "0_".
Don't mention the prefix details in the synopsis. Keep it for long description.

 Template: frontaccounting/db_admin_user
 Type: string
 Default: root
-_Description: Database administrative user name:
- This user name will be used to access the database to create (if needed):
- .
-  (1) The database
-  (2) The new account that FrontAccounting will use to access the database
+_Description: Database administrator user name:
+ Please provide the user name that will be used to create
+ FrontAccounting's database. This user name should have database
+ and user creation privileges on the database server.

This is the DB server admin that we need here as this is what's to be
used to create the DB and the account. So, this is the "administrator"
user name.
 Template: frontaccounting/db_admin_pass
 Type: password
-_Description: Database administrative password (if any):
- This is the password that will be used along with the database
- administrative user name.
+_Description: Database administrative password:
+ Please provide the password of the user name that will create
+ FrontAccounting's database.

"if any" seems useless. The local admin will know whether the db admin
account has a password or not.
 Template: frontaccounting/db_user
 Type: string
 Default: frontaccounting
 _Description: Database user name to access the database:
- This is the user name that FrontAccounting will use to access the database.
+ Please choose the user name that FrontAccounting will use to access
+ the database.
We choose that account's name...

 Template: frontaccounting/db_pass
 Type: password
 _Description: Password to access the database:
- This is the password that FrontAccounting will use, along with the user name you
- provided, to access the database.
+ Please provide the password that FrontAccounting will use to access
+ the database.

 Template: frontaccounting/db_pass_conf
 Type: password
-_Description: Retype the password to access the database:
- Please enter the database access password again for confirmation.
+_Description: Re-enter password to verify:
+ Please enter the same password again to verify that you have typed it
+ correctly.

Use "standard" template for pwd confirmation
 Template: frontaccounting/pass_mismatch
-Type: text
-_Description: Password mismatch.
- The database access passwords you entered did not match. Please try again.
+Type: error
+_Description: Password mismatch
+ The two passwords you entered were not the same. Please enter a password
+ again.

Use "standard" template for password mismatch.

Use "error" type
 Template: frontaccounting/company
 Type: string
 _Description: Company name:
- This name will be used to identify company in selector list on login screen.
+ Please enter the name that will be used to identify the company in
+ the selector list on login screen.

Drop "This is"
 Template: frontaccounting/db_fadmin_pass
 Type: password
-_Description: Password for company admin:
- This is the password that will be used to login to company 'admin' FrontAccounting
- account.
+_Description: Password for company administrator:
+ Please choose the password that will be used to login to the
+ company's "admin" FrontAccounting account.

Standardize the template

 Template: frontaccounting/db_fadmin_conf
 Type: password
-_Description: Retype the password for FA admin:
- Please enter the database access password again for confirmation.
+_Description: Re-enter password to verify:
+ Please enter the same password again to verify that you have typed it
+ correctly.

standard pwd confirmation template
 Template: frontaccounting/fapass_mismatch
-Type: text
-_Description: Password mismatch.
- The company admin access passwords you entered did not match. Please try again.
+Type: error
+_Description: Password mismatch
+ The two passwords you entered were not the same. Please enter a password
+ again.

standard pwd mismatch template
 Template: frontaccounting/db_fadmin_email
 Type: string
 Default: root
-_Description: Company admin email:
- Email box address used by company admin.
+_Description: Company administrator email:
+ Please enter the e-mail address of the company administrator.

 Template: frontaccounting/db_demo
 Type: boolean
 Default: false
 _Description: Do you want to add demo data to FrontAccounting tables?
- This will add some example data to FrontAccounting database.
+ If you choose this option, some example data will be added to
+ the FrontAccounting database.

Unlink the synopsis and the long description. Use "If you choose this
option" to be neutral about the interface ("If you answer 'Yes'" is prohibited)
 Template: frontaccounting/restart-webserver
 Type: boolean
 Default: false
 _Description: Restart ${webserver} now?
- Remember that in order to activate the new configuration ${webserver} has
- to be restarted. You can also restart web servers manually.
+ In order to activate the new configuration, ${webserver} has
+ to be restarted.

Let's leave intelligence to the user. We can assume that if (s)he
answers negatively to this, (s)he know (s)he has to restart the server
later on..:-)
 Template: frontaccounting/postrm
 Type: boolean
 Default: true
 _Description: Delete FrontAccounting data on purge?
- This will delete the FrontAccounting database and the associated
- database user account when the FrontAccounting package is purged.
+ If you choose this option, the FrontAccounting database and the associated
+ database user account will be removed when the frontaccounting
+ package is purged.

the package name is lowercase...
--- frontaccounting.old/debian/control	2010-05-30 09:28:48.998670799 +0200
+++ frontaccounting/debian/control	2010-06-07 07:20:28.445411592 +0200
@@ -11,26 +11,26 @@
 Architecture: all
 Depends: apache2 | httpd, libapache2-mod-php5 | php5-cgi | php5, mysql-client, php5-mysql | php5-mysqli, debconf (>= 0.5) | debconf-2.0, ucf (>= 0.28), ttf-bitstream-vera, ${misc:Depends}, wwwconfig-common (>= 0.0.37)
 Suggests: mysql-server
-Description: A web based double-entry accounting and ERP program
- A simple but powerful system for the entire Enterprise Resource Planning
- (ERP) chain, covering:
+Description: web-based double-entry accounting and ERP program

Drop leading article.

+ This package provides a simple but powerful system for the entire
+ Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) chain, covering:

Use standard "this package provides" formula
-  * Purchase Orders
-  * Goods Receivable Notes
-  * Supplier Invoices/Credit Notes
-  * Payments
-  * Allocations
-  * Accounts Payable
-  * Items and Inventory
-  * Stock
-  * Manufacturing
-  * Sales Orders
-  * Customer Invoices/Credit Notes
-  * Deposits
-  * Allocations
-  * Accounts Receivable
-  * Dimensions
-  * General Ledger with Budgert
-  * Languages
-  * Currencies
-  * Several Companies
+  * Purchase orders;
+  * Goods receivable notes;
+  * Supplier invoices/Credit notes;
+  * Payments;
+  * Allocations;
+  * Accounts payable;
+  * Items and inventory;
+  * Stock;
+  * Manufacturing;
+  * Sales orders;
+  * Customer invoices/Credit notes;
+  * Deposits;
+  * Allocations;
+  * Accounts receivable;
+  * Dimensions;
+  * General ledger with budget;
+  * Languages;
+  * Currencies;
+  * Several companies.

UnGermanize enumeration..:-). Use semi-colons.


Template: frontaccounting/webserver
Type: multiselect
__Choices: apache2, lighttpd
_Description: Web server to reconfigure automatically:
 Please choose the web server that should be automatically configured
 to run FrontAccounting.

Template: frontaccounting/db_initialized
Type: boolean
Default: false
_Description: Has the FrontAccounting database already been initialized?

Template: frontaccounting/skipdb
Type: boolean
Default: false
_Description: Skip database creation?
 The FrontAccounting database can be setup automatically or you can create it
 manually after installation.

Template: frontaccounting/manualdb
Type: error
_Description: Manual database configuration required
 No MySql client was found, which means it is not possible to
 automatically create FontAccounting's database.
 You should install the mysql-client package (as well as mysql-server
 if you want the database to be hosted on this machine) and then run
 "dpkg-reconfigure frontaccounting" again. For now, the database
 configuration will be skipped.

Template: frontaccounting/db_host
Type: string
Default: localhost
_Description: FrontAccounting database server host name:
 Please enter the host name or IP address of the database server that
 will host FrontAccounting's database.

Template: frontaccounting/db_name
Type: string
Default: frontaccounting
_Description: FrontAccounting database name:
 Please choose the name for FrontAccounting's database.

Template: frontaccounting/db_prefix
Type: boolean
Default: true
_Description: Do you want to use a prefix on FrontAccounting tables?
 If the same FrontAccounting database should host more than one
 company, table names should be prefixed by "0_".

Template: frontaccounting/db_admin_user
Type: string
Default: root
_Description: Database administrator user name:
 Please provide the user name that will be used to create
 FrontAccounting's database. This user name should have database
 and user creation privileges on the database server.

Template: frontaccounting/db_admin_pass
Type: password
_Description: Database administrative password:
 Please provide the password of the user name that will create
 FrontAccounting's database.

Template: frontaccounting/db_user
Type: string
Default: frontaccounting
_Description: Database user name to access the database:
 Please choose the user name that FrontAccounting will use to access
 the database.

Template: frontaccounting/db_pass
Type: password
_Description: Password to access the database:
 Please provide the password that FrontAccounting will use to access
 the database.

Template: frontaccounting/db_pass_conf
Type: password
_Description: Re-enter password to verify:
 Please enter the same password again to verify that you have typed it

Template: frontaccounting/pass_mismatch
Type: error
_Description: Password mismatch
 The two passwords you entered were not the same. Please enter a password

Template: frontaccounting/company
Type: string
_Description: Company name:
 Please enter the name that will be used to identify the company in
 the selector list on login screen.

Template: frontaccounting/db_fadmin_pass
Type: password
_Description: Password for company administrator:
 Please choose the password that will be used to login to the
 company's "admin" FrontAccounting account.

Template: frontaccounting/db_fadmin_conf
Type: password
_Description: Re-enter password to verify:
 Please enter the same password again to verify that you have typed it

Template: frontaccounting/fapass_mismatch
Type: error
_Description: Password mismatch
 The two passwords you entered were not the same. Please enter a password

Template: frontaccounting/db_fadmin_email
Type: string
Default: root
_Description: Company administrator email:
 Please enter the e-mail address of the company administrator.

Template: frontaccounting/db_demo
Type: boolean
Default: false
_Description: Do you want to add demo data to FrontAccounting tables?
 If you choose this option, some example data will be added to
 the FrontAccounting database.

Template: frontaccounting/restart-webserver
Type: boolean
Default: false
_Description: Restart ${webserver} now?
 In order to activate the new configuration, ${webserver} has
 to be restarted.

Template: frontaccounting/postrm
Type: boolean
Default: true
_Description: Delete FrontAccounting data on purge?
 If you choose this option, the FrontAccounting database and the associated
 database user account will be removed when the frontaccounting
 package is purged.

--- frontaccounting.old/debian/templates	2010-05-30 09:28:48.998670799 +0200
+++ frontaccounting/debian/templates	2010-06-07 07:32:18.829157155 +0200
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 Template: frontaccounting/webserver
 Type: multiselect
-_Choices: apache2, lighttpd
+__Choices: apache2, lighttpd
 _Description: Web server to reconfigure automatically:
  Please choose the web server that should be automatically configured
  to run FrontAccounting.
@@ -8,126 +8,134 @@
 Template: frontaccounting/db_initialized
 Type: boolean
 Default: false
-_Description: Has the database already been initialized?
+_Description: Has the FrontAccounting database already been initialized?
 Template: frontaccounting/skipdb
 Type: boolean
 Default: false
 _Description: Skip database creation?
- Debconf can set up the FrontAccounting database automatically or you can create it
+ The FrontAccounting database can be setup automatically or you can create it
  manually after installation.
 Template: frontaccounting/manualdb
-Type: note
-_Description: Manual database configuration required!
- No mysql client found, which means there's no way to offer automatic database
- setup. If you wish to get help setting up the database configuration, please
- install mysql-client (and possibly also mysql-server if you want to run the
- database server on this machine) and then run "dpkg-reconfigure frontaccounting" to
- rerun this configuration wizard. For now, the database configuration will be
- skipped....
+Type: error
+_Description: Manual database configuration required
+ No MySql client was found, which means it is not possible to
+ automatically create FontAccounting's database.
+ .
+ You should install the mysql-client package (as well as mysql-server
+ if you want the database to be hosted on this machine) and then run
+ "dpkg-reconfigure frontaccounting" again. For now, the database
+ configuration will be skipped.
 Template: frontaccounting/db_host
 Type: string
 Default: localhost
-_Description: FrontAccounting database host name:
- This should be the host-name or IP address that FrontAccounting will use to access
- the database.
+_Description: FrontAccounting database server host name:
+ Please enter the host name or IP address of the database server that
+ will host FrontAccounting's database.
 Template: frontaccounting/db_name
 Type: string
 Default: frontaccounting
-_Description: frontaccounting database name:
- This is the name of the database that FrontAccounting will use.
+_Description: FrontAccounting database name:
+ Please choose the name for FrontAccounting's database.
 Template: frontaccounting/db_prefix
 Type: boolean
 Default: true
-_Description: Do you want to use '0_' prefix on FrontAccounting tables?
- If you plan to use FrontAccounting same database for more than one company you 
- have to use prefix on tables.
+_Description: Do you want to use a prefix on FrontAccounting tables?
+ If the same FrontAccounting database should host more than one
+ company, table names should be prefixed by "0_".
 Template: frontaccounting/db_admin_user
 Type: string
 Default: root
-_Description: Database administrative user name:
- This user name will be used to access the database to create (if needed):
- .
-  (1) The database
-  (2) The new account that FrontAccounting will use to access the database
+_Description: Database administrator user name:
+ Please provide the user name that will be used to create
+ FrontAccounting's database. This user name should have database
+ and user creation privileges on the database server.
 Template: frontaccounting/db_admin_pass
 Type: password
-_Description: Database administrative password (if any):
- This is the password that will be used along with the database
- administrative user name.
+_Description: Database administrative password:
+ Please provide the password of the user name that will create
+ FrontAccounting's database.
 Template: frontaccounting/db_user
 Type: string
 Default: frontaccounting
 _Description: Database user name to access the database:
- This is the user name that FrontAccounting will use to access the database.
+ Please choose the user name that FrontAccounting will use to access
+ the database.
 Template: frontaccounting/db_pass
 Type: password
 _Description: Password to access the database:
- This is the password that FrontAccounting will use, along with the user name you
- provided, to access the database.
+ Please provide the password that FrontAccounting will use to access
+ the database.
 Template: frontaccounting/db_pass_conf
 Type: password
-_Description: Retype the password to access the database:
- Please enter the database access password again for confirmation.
+_Description: Re-enter password to verify:
+ Please enter the same password again to verify that you have typed it
+ correctly.
 Template: frontaccounting/pass_mismatch
-Type: text
-_Description: Password mismatch.
- The database access passwords you entered did not match. Please try again.
+Type: error
+_Description: Password mismatch
+ The two passwords you entered were not the same. Please enter a password
+ again.
 Template: frontaccounting/company
 Type: string
 _Description: Company name:
- This name will be used to identify company in selector list on login screen.
+ Please enter the name that will be used to identify the company in
+ the selector list on login screen.
 Template: frontaccounting/db_fadmin_pass
 Type: password
-_Description: Password for company admin:
- This is the password that will be used to login to company 'admin' FrontAccounting
- account.
+_Description: Password for company administrator:
+ Please choose the password that will be used to login to the
+ company's "admin" FrontAccounting account.
 Template: frontaccounting/db_fadmin_conf
 Type: password
-_Description: Retype the password for FA admin:
- Please enter the database access password again for confirmation.
+_Description: Re-enter password to verify:
+ Please enter the same password again to verify that you have typed it
+ correctly.
 Template: frontaccounting/fapass_mismatch
-Type: text
-_Description: Password mismatch.
- The company admin access passwords you entered did not match. Please try again.
+Type: error
+_Description: Password mismatch
+ The two passwords you entered were not the same. Please enter a password
+ again.
 Template: frontaccounting/db_fadmin_email
 Type: string
 Default: root
-_Description: Company admin email:
- Email box address used by company admin.
+_Description: Company administrator email:
+ Please enter the e-mail address of the company administrator.
 Template: frontaccounting/db_demo
 Type: boolean
 Default: false
 _Description: Do you want to add demo data to FrontAccounting tables?
- This will add some example data to FrontAccounting database.
+ If you choose this option, some example data will be added to
+ the FrontAccounting database.
 Template: frontaccounting/restart-webserver
 Type: boolean
 Default: false
 _Description: Restart ${webserver} now?
- Remember that in order to activate the new configuration ${webserver} has
- to be restarted. You can also restart web servers manually.
+ In order to activate the new configuration, ${webserver} has
+ to be restarted.
 Template: frontaccounting/postrm
 Type: boolean
 Default: true
 _Description: Delete FrontAccounting data on purge?
- This will delete the FrontAccounting database and the associated
- database user account when the FrontAccounting package is purged.
+ If you choose this option, the FrontAccounting database and the associated
+ database user account will be removed when the frontaccounting
+ package is purged.
--- frontaccounting.old/debian/control	2010-05-30 09:28:48.998670799 +0200
+++ frontaccounting/debian/control	2010-06-07 07:20:28.445411592 +0200
@@ -11,26 +11,26 @@
 Architecture: all
 Depends: apache2 | httpd, libapache2-mod-php5 | php5-cgi | php5, mysql-client, php5-mysql | php5-mysqli, debconf (>= 0.5) | debconf-2.0, ucf (>= 0.28), ttf-bitstream-vera, ${misc:Depends}, wwwconfig-common (>= 0.0.37)
 Suggests: mysql-server
-Description: A web based double-entry accounting and ERP program
- A simple but powerful system for the entire Enterprise Resource Planning
- (ERP) chain, covering:
+Description: web-based double-entry accounting and ERP program
+ This package provides a simple but powerful system for the entire
+ Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) chain, covering:
-  * Purchase Orders
-  * Goods Receivable Notes
-  * Supplier Invoices/Credit Notes
-  * Payments
-  * Allocations
-  * Accounts Payable
-  * Items and Inventory
-  * Stock
-  * Manufacturing
-  * Sales Orders
-  * Customer Invoices/Credit Notes
-  * Deposits
-  * Allocations
-  * Accounts Receivable
-  * Dimensions
-  * General Ledger with Budgert
-  * Languages
-  * Currencies
-  * Several Companies
+  * Purchase orders;
+  * Goods receivable notes;
+  * Supplier invoices/Credit notes;
+  * Payments;
+  * Allocations;
+  * Accounts payable;
+  * Items and inventory;
+  * Stock;
+  * Manufacturing;
+  * Sales orders;
+  * Customer invoices/Credit notes;
+  * Deposits;
+  * Allocations;
+  * Accounts receivable;
+  * Dimensions;
+  * General ledger with budget;
+  * Languages;
+  * Currencies;
+  * Several companies.
Source: frontaccounting
Section: web
Priority: optional
Maintainer: Michael C. Schultheiss <schultmc@debian.org>
Uploaders: Janusz Dobrowolski <janusz@frontaccounting.eu>
Build-Depends: quilt (>= 0.46-7~), debhelper (>= 7), po-debconf
Standards-Version: 3.8.4
Homepage: http://frontaccounting.net

Package: frontaccounting
Architecture: all
Depends: apache2 | httpd, libapache2-mod-php5 | php5-cgi | php5, mysql-client, php5-mysql | php5-mysqli, debconf (>= 0.5) | debconf-2.0, ucf (>= 0.28), ttf-bitstream-vera, ${misc:Depends}, wwwconfig-common (>= 0.0.37)
Suggests: mysql-server
Description: web-based double-entry accounting and ERP program
 This package provides a simple but powerful system for the entire
 Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) chain, covering:
  * Purchase orders;
  * Goods receivable notes;
  * Supplier invoices/Credit notes;
  * Payments;
  * Allocations;
  * Accounts payable;
  * Items and inventory;
  * Stock;
  * Manufacturing;
  * Sales orders;
  * Customer invoices/Credit notes;
  * Deposits;
  * Allocations;
  * Accounts receivable;
  * Dimensions;
  * General ledger with budget;
  * Languages;
  * Currencies;
  * Several companies.

Attachment: signature.asc
Description: Digital signature

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