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Re: [ITR] templates://gpsd/{gpsd.templates}

Bernd Zeimetz wrote:
> Template: gpsd/start_daemon
> Type: boolean
> Default: false
> _Description: Start gpsd automatically on boot?
>  Necessary for USB autodetection, but it also might be appropriate if the
>  GPS receiver is permanently attached to this computer. Alternatively it
>  can be started by running gpsd(8) manually.

The long description starts half-way through a sentence, so this
needs a bit of reformatting, but I'm not sure about the content.
Does this also control whether it's started right now, on install?

Best guess suggestion:

  _Description: Start gpsd automatically?
   If you enable this option, gpsd will be started automatically. If not,
   it will need to be run manually, and will not be capable of USB

But I'd also like to know _why_ autostarting is "necessary for USB
autodetection".  If I ran "sudo /etc/init.d/gpsd start" manually
just before plugging the device in, what exactly would go wrong?
JBR	with qualifications in linguistics, experience as a Debian
	sysadmin, and probably no clue about this particular package

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