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Re: [debian-knoppix] documents/info about boot process

R. Dale Thomas wrote:

Andreas Krings wrote:


i want to remaster my Knoppix and to change/add a few boot scripts. But i saw that KNOPPIX is not using the default init.d structure from Debian, where all the scripts to start are stored in /etc/rcX.d (with X = [0-6]). There is only a K10Xsession-link to /etc/init.d/xsession. So my question is: From where does KNOPPIX start all the scripts at bootprocess?? Are these scripts are calles from a Configuration script from KNOPPIX or does all services start from Xsession??

I could not find sth. releated to it on the KNOPPIX Wiki Docs. So if andybody know a little bit about it, please let me know!

Much thanks for your help & greetings


    The init scripts are located in /etc/init.d and are symlinked to
in the /etc/rcX.d directorys in a sysV like fashion.

Yes, that is the sysV-System in Debian (and other Distros). But in KNOPPIX there is only a Symlink to init.d/xsession in every etc/rcX.d/ directory. That is why i asked this question: I do not know this runlevel-system which is used here! ;-(

So does anybody could please explain it to me or can give me a hint/link to docs. I did not found sth. about it in the KNOPPIX WiKi-Docs.

Thanks & greetings


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