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Re: upgrading i386 kernel on AMD64


On Wed, Sep 01, 2004 at 07:53:28PM +0200, Christian T. Steigies wrote:
> I have installed Debian-i386 and Debian-amd64 on a new machine. For the i386
> install I used a sarge snapshot from July, which worked great. Only this
> installed a 2.6.6 kernel, which I'd like to update to 2.6.8. On the AMD64
> installation, I simply installed new debian kernel-images and everything is
> fine. when I try the same on the i386 install, however, those new kernels do
> not boot, I tried 2.6.8-1-386, 2.6.8-1-k7, 2.4.26-1-386, and even a self
> compiled 2.6.8 starting with the (working) 2.6.6 config.
a 64bit kernel-image for i386 is sitting in NEW since a week now, it
should go into sid as soon as ftp-masters have time to add it.

For the time being, you could either install the amd64 kernel-image into
your i386 installation with dpkg --force-architecture, or just copy the
modules to the correct place and setup lilo to boot the amd64 kernel
from pure64 and use your i386 installation as root. Or do you intend to
run a 32bit k7 kernel-image on your i386 installation?

> The i386 install kernel sees
> the SATA disk fine, and detects it as hde. The AMD64 kernels sees the disk
> as sda. All newer i386 kernels, the ones provided by debian, as well as
> self-built, do not see the SATA disk at all, and I wonder why, and how to
> fix this.
starting with 2.6.8 there are no sata disks named /dev/hdX anymore, all
sata disks are no /dev/sdX. ide-sata is obsolete now and will be removed
in favour of only one sata driver being in the kernel.

> It would be great if somebody could explain, what I am doing wrong, and why
> the disk is ide on i386 (IDE_SATA?), and sda on AMD64.

It will be sda on both kernels if you install a 2.6.8 based image for
i386 too. maybe you set the ROOT variable in /etc/mkinitrd/mkinitrd.conf
to point to hdg so it does not find your root, on i386?



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