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Re: Digital clock widget and 24-hour format

Mar 20, 2022, 18:59 by inkbottle007@gmail.com:

> I've fixed that issue on my box about 6 month ago, I can't remember how I did that exactly. The core of it however was that the `locales` were defined in several places, like 2 or 3, and that one of them was inconsistent with the others. And I've just deleted it.
> Now my setting is, I have no local whatsoever, viz, I use `> LC_ALL="C.UTF-8"` and that's it. Only "spell check" is "US-EN".

I will have to look into that, I was fiddling with "LC_ALL" recently to to a different issue and now it is set to LC_ALL=en_US.UTF-8, LC_ALL was unset prior to that. Will report back when I try it.


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