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Re: Capslock / Numlock indicator not work in KDE (& sddm)

Il 27/11/19 15:14, Franklin Weng ha scritto:
luca.pedrielli 於 2019/11/27 下午6:25 寫道:
seems search for libkmodifierkey_xcb.so ......that I have not found in

maybe plasma_engine_keystate.so have some ploblems

sddm themes, keyboardindicator, but also others plasmoids like
keystate, use qml scripts where the engine is keystate.

they work in buster, but not in testing.

Thanks.  With your survey I found a bug report for plasma-workspace:


I've replied it.

Thanks, Franklin

also systemsettings -> numlock on starting session is working too

Saluti, Luca Pedrielli

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