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Re: Is Kicker's search box fixed?

I had the same problem after upgrading on Stretch. There is a workaround: 
Temporarily replace "testing" with "unstable" in your /etc/apt/sources.list. 
Then do apt-get update, followed by:
apt-get install libkf5plasma5
This fixed the search box issue for me, and also fixed a problem with right-
clicks on the desktop and taskbar not working. 
Finally, remember to change your /etc/apt/sources.list back to testing or 
stretch, followed by an apt-get update. 

On Tuesday, July 19, 2016 03:08:29 AM Borden Rhodes wrote:
> Good morning,
> Around the time of the KF5 upgrade on Stretch, typing into Kicker's
> search box krashed Plasma. I notice that it doesn't do that anymore,
> but the search box also doesn't generate any search results. Is it
> working for anybody else and, if so, what do I have to
> install/clear/configure to get it working again?
> With thanks,

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