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Re: [wheezy] Icon Editor For KDE ?

On 15/06/15 12:15 PM, Nick Boyce wrote:
On Sunday 14 Jun 2015 11:43:37 Alex DEKKER wrote:

Allow me to row back somewhat:

$ locate kde4/apps | grep icons | grep svg | wc -l
$ locate kde4/apps | grep icons | grep png | wc -l

Looking through /usr/share/kde4/apps/*/icons it seems that, er, perhaps
PNG is the dominant icon format after all.
Ah - good research, suggesting the revolution is perhaps still more of a wishlist item.  I wonder whether this may have anything to do with the lack of a special-purpose SVG-oriented icon editor.
At one SVG icon-set page I found :
the author comments
   "All icons in BlueSphere theme are designed using
   SVG format. I have used Sodipodi vector-drawing
   program, and partially hand-crafted (!!!!!) SVG (XML)
   files using KWrite" - (my exclamation marks).

An interesting article here:
contains the disturbing remark:

   "The loss of quality in vector graphics at small size
   is a severe problem. Rendering vector graphics
   primitives at low resolutions introduces a certain
   amount of blur into the output. This is mainly
   caused by horizontal and vertical primitives which
   happen to fall between pixel boundaries, which
   in turn makes the anti-aliasing algorithms try to
   cope with it by rasterizing two, instead of one
   rows/columns but at a lower color intensity. For
   primitives which are rendered at small sizes the
   goals of "resolution independence" and
   "preserving their good looks across resolutions"
   diverges a lot. We have the former, we need the

which makes me think the use of SVG in this context is a little embryonic or premature.

[As an aside, I'm faintly horrified to find this standard 128px x 128px SVG icon
occupies a file size of 120Kb ! .... looking at the source recalls the old joke
"XML is like violence - if it doesn't work, use more"]

Not that bitmap-style icon technology seems any better provisioned with dedicated utilities.  I note that the standard Gnome bitmap icon editor utility also seems dead in the water:
   "As of 2015-02-16, this project is no longer
    under active development"

It's weird ..... back in the days of [gulp] Windows 3.1, it seemed that almost everyone tried their hand at writing an icon-editor utility, and there were many freeware and shareware tools (of varying quality) available.  On those cover diskettes that came with magazines there was almost always an icon editor or two ..... I wonder what changed people's minds.

On the upside, this means I can add yet another basic missing platform tool to my list of KDE applications to work upon when I've achieved basic competency :)

You will note that the problem with .png icons is you need a lot of them. You have to create a different icon file for each size you want. Bitmaps don't scale well up or down so at different resolutions you need different icons.

Vector graphics scale upward nicely but don't do so well at low resolutions. With 1920x1080 being the standard screen size lately, I suggest that low resolution is not a problem.

Even smartphones have HD screens so SVG icons work even across platforms.

The one exception to this is the favicon.ico file, where bitmaps are required.

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