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Re: Simplied menus and themes

El día 21/04/2006 a 08:29 Colin Turner escribió...

> Hash: SHA1
> Hi Folks,
> I'd like to soon introduce by one year old daughter to Debian Jr. It's
> all installed on my main machine, but I want to know is there an
> existing way to set up her account with extremely simple, chunky themes
> and menus under gnome. If not I will try to work on this and contribute
> it to the project.

For my nephew I went firt opening the apps for him, when he was 3,
then he realised how that worked (the menu) and almost did it
Then at some point I created an account for him and showed how to
access putting his username/password and then teach him where to find
his games, which he was already familiar with.

I put some icons on the desktop too, but he mostly uses the menu since
they like exploring and finding new things. Maybe you can customize
the menu, i.e. with alacarte, so only some applications are shown for her.


Rudy Godoy | 0x3433BD21 | http://stone-head.org               ,''`.
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