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A new project and a general question


First, a few words about me: Debian developer since 98, developer of
Gaby (apt-get'able) and contributor to a few projects.

And now, what brings me here: I'm involved in the setup of a computer
classroom in Brussels, Belgium for a primary school (children from 3
to 12). What we have now is a network of about 20 diskless 486 that
boots in X from a nicely powered server (running Debian of course).
We setupped recently a project on sourceforge (named 'plume') to help
other people deploy such a network.

That was the easy part.

I now have to write an objective paper about our setup, how it works
but also why we did it that way. One of my arguments is that this
provided one computer per child instead of one per 4 or 5 children.
I know I read somewhere a study saying basically that for an efficient
educational use you needed at least one computer per 2 children.
Does anybody here know about the references about such a study ?


Frederic Peters <fpeters@tiscalinet.be>   « Le travail a été ce que l'homme
Debian GNU/Linux: http://www.debian.org      a trouvé de mieux pour ne rien
Gaby: http://gaby.sourceforge.net            faire de sa vie. »  R. Vaneigem

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