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Re: Debian for education (fwd)

On Wed, 3 Jan 2001, Ben Armstrong wrote:

> Well, we can put that idea on the shelf for now and see if there is a need
> for it later.  I'm not opposed to it if we can find a real application for
> it.
As I said it was a raw idea and I'm really not sure if it makes sense ...
> ...
> I hope this clarifies my position better on how I think educational issues
> should be handled by Debian Jr.  If it's just a matter of finding
> "educational software" that can be used in the home, then great.  If it's
> a matter of architecting an entire school network, with all of the
> administrative issues: grading, restricting student access, providing easy
> interfaces for non-technical teachers to manage their systems, and so
> forth, then no, this is outside the scope of Debian Jr. and should be
> handled by a different group, either with Debian (as I have suggested) or
> subsumed under an existing educational group (e.g. OFSET, SEUL/edu).
Well, that's right.  Agreed so far.

Kind regards


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