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Re: Help needed: gradle + testng

On 10/31/2017 05:47 PM, Markus Koschany wrote:
> I'm subscribed to debian-java. No need to CC me.
sorry, was a reply all instead of reply...
> Am 31.10.2017 um 17:44 schrieb Olivier Sallou:
>> the version I downloaded/tested with is gradle 4.3.
>> Do you want I try with a an older version ? (3.4.1, 3.5, ??)
> Updating Gradle can be a very painful experience. I assume updating to
> 4.3 will be complicated at best hence I'd prefer to take smaller steps.
> You could try with 3.4 again. According to some upstream bug reports
> either this version or even 3.3 should already work for you.
testing with 3.4 which launches the tests, no error.

What I did:

gbp buildpackage ....

after failure, go to build-area for package and execute manually the
command normally executed by debhelper:

gradle --debug --console plain  --stacktrace --no-daemon
--refresh-dependencies --gradle-user-home .gradle -Duser.home=.
-Dusere=debian -Ddebian.package=picard-tools -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8
--parallel --max-workers=4 test

=> failure as during gbp buildpackage

install gradle 3.4 and add to path

copy in .m2 dependencies from /usr/share/java/maven-repo
reexecute command using "new" gradle

gradle --debug --console plain  --stacktrace --no-daemon
--refresh-dependencies --gradle-user-home .gradle -Duser.home=.
-Dusere=debian -Ddebian.package=picard-tools -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8
--parallel --max-workers=4 test

=> success, tests are executed

so v3.4 should be ok
maybe going to 3.4.1 would be nicer (just some fixed issues on 3.4,
should be no different)



Olivier Sallou
IRISA / University of Rennes 1
Campus de Beaulieu, 35000 RENNES - FRANCE

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