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Re: plans for eclipse luna in debian

Just FYI.
The "third source" used by Fedora packagers to build Tycho is, in fact,
not a source.
It is a collection of jar's obtained from pdebuild [1].
So, I am currently stuck here.




Il 07/01/2016 16:27, Markus Koschany ha scritto:
> Am 07.01.2016 um 15:30 schrieb Luca Vercelli:
> [...]
>> Dear Markus,
>> I'm sorry for the misunderstanding. In the previous email I just meant
>> to share the "get-orig-source" script, that allows to download sources,
>> and not a full debian package.
>> If you want, I can provide a full package for Tycho, that correctly
>> builds an (empty!) tycho-xxx.deb package.
>> This package would be empty because it cannot be built without the
>> required bundles from Eclipse.
> Hi,
> Fedora somehow manages to build Tycho from source and I am sure we can
> do the same. They use three source files. [1] The resulting package
> shouldn't be empty. If your package requires bundles from Eclipse then
> they should be either packaged separately or used as the original
> sources for Tycho. It seems Fedora did the latter. That means you can
> create one orig-source tarball that combines all necessary sources.  The
> mission is simple: Package Tycho and create a working Debian package. It
> must not be empty. If you can do that, that would be helpful, even more
> so if you intend to maintain the package in the future.
> Regards,
> Markus
> [1] http://pkgs.fedoraproject.org/cgit/rpms/tycho.git/tree/sources

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