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Re: maven2 for Debian

On Sun, Mar 04, 2007 at 11:19:31PM +0100, Arnaud Vandyck wrote:
> There are tools to help packaging software and there are examples, see
> http://pkg-java.debian.org


> Also, we surely need more informations that those provided by the pom.xml
> >And another one ... would it make sense to get everything maven
> >downloads when it runs through its dependency system in some location
> >like /usr/share/java/maven2/repository so that it comes available for
> >all users? Could this be expanded to be actually used as a packaging
> >system?
> if we patch maven, we maybe could use /usr/share/java so maven could
> find the jars. We also maybe could tell maven how to find the
> packages. If the package does not exist in Debian, maven should
> download it from another location and put the package in another
> location /var/cache/maven? /usr/local/share/maven? I don't know and it
> needs to be discussed. This problem could be not acceptable for our
> users because packages that maven download would not be package by
> Debian developers. These packages could be non free for example.
> User download: Maven can install packages in $HOME/.m2/... What will
> be our decision about that? Ask for the admin password? send a mail to
> root to ask him/her to install the package? install the package in
> $HOME/.m2?...

There are some possible solutions for this. For example we could go an
apt-get like way and put all downloaded stuff into /var/cache/maven2
which could be writable by a suid-helper. The RedHat guys have a patch
to make maven aware of the intalled java rpms to provide java software.
I want to incorporate that in Debian too.

 .''`.  | Michael Koch <konqueror@gmx.de>
: :' :  | Free Java Developer <http://www.classpath.org>
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