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Re: failed building eclipse on powerpc

* I wrote:
> # fakeroot debian/rules build
> -> check what's in /source-tree. There should now be the icon.xpm
> Hm, I'm not totally sure, what's happening here, but this seems like
> a bug somewhere... If icon.xpm isn't there, please do a 
> cd source-tree; cp plugins/platform-launcher/bin/linux/gtk/icon.xpm ./
> (This should have been done by ant...)

I had a closer look at the build.xml and I think that this icon
*should* never go missing :( Ant will copy the complete
plugins/platform-launcher/bin/linux/gtk/ dir (in there is a
precompiled eclipse-bin and the icon). Could you please do a
# fakeroot debian/rules clean
# fakeroot debian/rules uncompress
# find . -name icon.xpm
-> should find two icon.xpm, one in a motif one in a gtk dir.
Also, please do a 
# fakeroot debian/rules build-java-stamp 
# ls source-tree
-> eclipse and icon.xpm should be in there.

If the icon.xpm is not copied, I will change the way copying is
done. Should anyway happen, as the precompiled laucher is not used
but overwritten by a newly compiled one. 


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