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Re: SPF (was: Re: PERSONAL xxxx - KTA)

> On Jun 30, 2007, at 12:07 PM, Chris Wagner wrote:
> >IMHO the only way to accomplish what SPF attempts is to build a parallel
> >mail system on the Internet that is 100% authentication based and then
> >require everyone to shift over to it.  And then shut down the old system.

On 30.06.07 13:27, Nate Duehr wrote:
> You don't even have to require folks to shift to it, you just offer it up
> and get one VERY large business or governmental organization to require
> that folks use it to contact them.  That'd be enough momentum to figure
> the rest out.

Seems that hotmail and msn try to force others to use the SPF. However,
their attempt is silly, they should take care of their own spam first...
(hotmail servers are listed in SORBS, e.g.
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