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Re: Shell accounts for multiple domains on one box

What ur asking for can definately be done but it comes with a high PITA
factor.  Putting up separate machines for each domain is definately the easy
way to go.  

One way to do it is by taking the authentication off the box and use Radius
to remotely authenticate the users.  Then users can log in as
user@domain.com or even domain.com\user or possibly have a two prompt login
for domain and userid.  U might have to write some wrapper scripts to get a
login prompt system they're happy with.  Each domain would be a Radius realm.

The other way to do it is to write a whole bunch of scripts to replace
/sbin/login and /etc/passwd that will handle the authentication process.

The adduser script should already have the capability to do "domain home
dirs".  It's just like letter home dirs except with a domain.  And even
worst case u can just specify it on the command line.

Of course, u could always just keeps things as they are and have the
usernames be user@domain.com.  That should accomplish everything u need even
though it might not be the "coolest".

"...ne cede males"


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