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Re: [BAD] the whole server down with a red-alert-like attack

On Fri, Jan 25, 2002 at 08:17:31AM -0500, Peter Billson wrote:
> > IMHO something that runs every minute should not be in cron, even something
> > that runs every 5 minutes possibly shouldn't be in cron.
>   Could you tell me why that is so? I often run things from cron that
> run every 5 mins and have never run into a problem... but then again I
> often do stupid things repeatedly! :-) 

Better saying:  You can do whatever you want, but think before to not shoot yourself.

As I wrote or not:
 - I ran my script too often
 - The machine was old 486
 - unfortunately conditons has changed
   due this, the script was runing ten times slowly.

And the nighmare was born :)

Radek Hnilica <Radek at Hnilica dot CZ>
No matter how far down the wrong road you've gone, turn back.
						Turkish proverb

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