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Re: Portable Web Server Mirror

On Sun, 14 Oct 2001 17:59, Peter Billson wrote:
>   She's already got a Thinkpad running woody and I'd like to have the
> her be able to just sync the notebook up to the real server and away
> they go. The snyc process should add and delete any new domains,
> content, etc. during the sync process with little or no interaction.
>   The notebook would need to be totally stand alone, running all needed
> services (MySQL, DNS, Apache, etc.) but still be able to interact with
> the Web server (which means I can't simply clone the whole machine).

Rsync of course is what you want to use for the content transfer, but I guess 
you already knew that.

I suggest using Apache bulk virtual hosting for the multiple domains. That 
means you can have the same Apache config on both machines.

Now you want to have bind installed on the web server with copies of all the 
DNS for zones it serves.  After copying that data you could run a sed script 
over the zone files that changes the IP address to  Then all 
requests go to the local Apache installation which looks up the directory 
using bulk virtual hosting.

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