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Re: VirtualHosts

On Tue, Apr 03, 2001 at 11:39:46PM -0500, Y2KNET wrote:
> The dns files resides on server ns1.abc.net
> the first dns file is abc.hosts and following is its
> configuration:
>                 IN        NS        ns1.abc.net.
>                 IN        NS        ns2.abc.net.
> ns1        IN    A
> ns2        IN    A
>                      ......
> www.abc.net.    IN    CNAME    ns1.abc.net.
> The second file for virtual host is xzz.hosts and
> following is its configuration:
>             IN        NS        ns1.abc.net.
>             IN        NS        ns2.abc.net.
> xyz.net    IN A
>                   ......
> www.xyz.net.  IN CNAME    xyz.net.
> In my /etc/apache all configuration files are set for
> my primary site www.abc.net.  Then I used the
> following configuration for virtual host site www.xyz.net:
> Listen
> NameVirtualHost
> <VirtualHost>
> DocumentRoot /var/www/xyz
> ServerName www.xyz.net
>             ....
> </VirtualHost>
> With this configurartion none of my site comes up.
> Can someone tell me where I am making mistake.

Well, the fact that the IP in the VirtualHost directive isn't
the same IP that appears in the Listen directive or the
NameVirtualHost directive appears to be a glaring error.

With the setup above you should have apache like this:

| Listen
| NameVirtualHost
| <VirtualHost>
|     ServerName www.abc.net
|     DocumentRoot /var/www/xyz/
| </VirtualHost>
| <VirtualHost>
|     ServerName xyz.net
|     ServerAlias www.xyz.net
|     DocumentRoot /var/www/xyz
| </VirtualHost>

I have no idea where you got from.

BTW, CNAMEs are gross.  Use A records.

Nathan Norman - Staff Engineer | A good plan today is better
Micromuse Ltd.                 | than a perfect plan tomorrow.
mailto:nnorman@micromuse.com   |   -- Patton

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