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RE: virtual ssl ? also multiple virtual domains in apache

Add this line in your httpd.conf file at the end
Include conf/vhosts.conf

and obviously make a file called vhosts.conf - with is the part you are
looking for ..

<VirtualHost www.domain1.com:80>
    DocumentRoot /var/htdocs/hosting/domain1/
    ServerName xxx.xx.xxx.xx	# This being the ip address of the server
    ErrorLog logs/www.domain1.com-error_log
    CustomLog logs/www.domain1.com-access_log common
    DirectoryIndex index.php3 default.html

Hope this answers your question

-----Original Message-----
From: Russell Coker [mailto:russell@coker.com.au]
Sent: 02 March 2001 12:31
To: Andreas Edler; Cherubini Enrico
Cc: debian-isp@lists.debian.org
Subject: Re: virtual ssl ? also multiple virtual domains in apache

On Friday 02 March 2001 09:53, Andreas Edler wrote:
> > is it possible to have different certificates for every virtual host on
> > apache ?
> yes, of course.  But only with IP based virtual hosts, not with
> namebased virtual hosts.

How?  Would it be possible to post a snippet from an apache config file?

On the topic of apache with multiple domains I am currently working on a
solution for Apache with >1000 domains on a single machine.  I am using the
following log file directives:
LogFormat "%V %h %l %u %t \"%r\" %s %b" main
CustomLog /var/log/apache/access.log main

Which result in a single log file with "www.company.com " preceeding the
usual CLF format log file text.  I have written an enhancement to my
program (which will be in the next release of my logtools package) to
this to have http://www.company.com/URL in the main text of the CLF log
entries (so log analysis programs such as Webalizer can analyse all domains
together).  Also I am about to write a program to split a single log file
into a file per domain for per-customer log analysis.

Also I wanted to do the following:
VirtualDocumentRoot /home/www/domains/%0/docs
VirtualScriptAlias /home/www/domains/%0/cgi-bin

But it seems that this offers no support for running cgi-bin programs for
each domain as a different UID.  So I'll have to write a script that sucks
data out of LDAP and generates the Apache configuration.

Any suggestions on better ways of doing it?

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