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Re: security.debian.org requires IPv4

Bjørn Mork <bjorn@mork.no> writes:

> Teddy Hogeborn <teddy@recompile.se> writes:
> > The host security-cdn.debian.org, used by some packages on
> > security.debian.org¹, despite having an IPv6 address in the DNS, can
> > not actually be reached from an IPv6-only host, due to issues with
> > DNS hosting by Fastly, the CDN provider.  I raised this problem with
> > Fastly, first on IRC and then in their issue tracker, but their
> > response is, as you can see, "IPv4 is required and we have no plans
> > to change this.".
> security-cdn.debian.org is reachable from an IPv6 only host as long as
> that host has access to a dual stacked resolver.  All real world hosts
> will have access to such a resolver.  IPv6 only resolvers are not
> useful on the current Internet, and will only exist as lab
> experiments.
> Sure, it would be nice if all DNS zones where hosted on both IPv6 and
> IPv4 name servers.  But this is not critical for IPv6 deployment, and
> IMHO never will be.  Keeping dual stacked DNS caching resolvers around
> for as long as the transition will last, is not a problem.

DNSSEC does not have any security between the resolver and client; the
only reasonable response is to run the resolver locally.  On an
IPv6-only host, this will result in an IPv6-only resolver.

/Teddy Hogeborn

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