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RE: IPv6 return path filter default active?


	I haven't find any resources about rp_filter and IPv6.

No, there does not seem to be such a filter, which is why I do not understand what is going on.

	Did you simply check that /proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/all/forwarding was set to 1?

:-) Yes, but that is not the problem. Router A does route incoming traffic, only blocks traffic originating from itself (or coming though it) that returns on a different interface than it was sent on.
I just cannot find a mechanism that would block this traffic, other than a firewall. But if I switch off my firewall, the traffic is still blocked...

Best regards,
Reinier Boon

Reinier Boon | Senior software engineer | Telecats bv | KvK Enschede 06069106 | Tel: +31 53 488 99 26 | Fax: +31 53 488 99 10 | Email: r.t.boon@telecats.nl 

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