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Re: yes but how

how come?

> Curt Howland a écrit :
>> You cannot ping from "Scope:Link" to "Scope:Link", you have to have an
>> IPv6 address assigned to the interface "Scope:Global"
> Of course you can. You just need to specify the proper output interface
> with the -I option.
> --
> To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to debian-ipv6-REQUEST@lists.debian.org
> with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact
> listmaster@lists.debian.org

                           Luis A. Rondon Paz
    L I N U X       .~.    Admin intranet CNT
   The  Choice      /V\    icq #132736035
    of a GNU       /( )\   itachi@cnt.uo.edu.cu
   Generation      ^^-^^    Santiago de cuba

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