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Re: IPv6 address/port format

On Mon, 10 Jan 2000, Chris P. Ross wrote:
>"Dwayne C . Litzenberger" <dlitz@cheerful.com> said:
>> I'm not really knowledgeable about this, but what is a good, standard way
>> to show address/port shown in IPv4, IPv6, IPX, etc?  I would think
>> address.:port (dot-colon) would be good (and it already works with domain
>> names), but I haven't seen this done yet. 
>> Any thoughts? 
>  I've seen people use both "IPv6-addr port" (space sep.) and
>"IPv6-addr/port".  I think I really like using '/', and haven't yet
>found a place where that will cause problems except for in URIs.
>Using spaces is just universally compliated.  I guess we could use
>something like '%', but then again, me randomly proposing things here
>is probabaly not the best place to make suggestions usefully.  ;-)

'%' has a special meaning in URLs for escaping other characters.

':' is used in specifying IP addresses by number for IPv6 so probably is a
bad idea.

What about '+'?

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