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[Pkg-ime-devel] Bug#864913: ibus: New upstream release (1.5.16)

On Fri, Jun 16, 2017 at 7:55 PM, Jeremy Bicha <jbicha at ubuntu.com> wrote:
> I'm attaching a git patch to fix your debian/watch file. It currently
> reports the latest version as "6" which is not correct.

The watch file you added in 1.5.14-2 is wrong because it uses the git
tarball instead of a tarball that has ./configure already ran. I
couldn't use that tarball to easily build the package.

The git history after 1.5.14-3 is also a bit messed up. Here's how I
suggest fixing it:

Temporarily allow force pushing
ssh git.debian.org
cd /git/pkg-ime/ibus.git

Edit the config file to set denyNonFastforwards = false

Now back on your local branch ?

Reset branches
git checkout master
git reset --hard debian/1.5.14-3
git am 0001-Fix-debian-watch.patch
(this is the patch I am attaching to this email)
git push -f
git checkout upstream
git reset --hard upstream/1.5.14
git push -f
git checkout pristine-tar
git reset --hard d029a77
git tag -d upstream/1.5.15
git tag -d upstream/1.5.16
git push -f

git checkout master

Disable force pushing
Edit the config file on git.debian.org back to
denyNonFastforwards = true

Make sure your build directory and tarball directory don't have any
old copies of the 1.5.15 and 1.5.16 tarballs.

When you are ready for a new version (I think anything newer than
1.5.14 is blocked on your cldr package), you can run uscan and gbp
import-orig like normal.

Let me know if you need any help.

Jeremy Bicha
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Name: 0001-Fix-debian-watch.patch
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URL: <http://lists.alioth.debian.org/pipermail/pkg-ime-devel/attachments/20171203/162b9e54/attachment.bin>

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