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Re: lspci showing nothing (yesterday daily dvd.iso)


Paul Dufresne, le jeu. 28 avril 2022 03:47:12 -0400, a ecrit:
> Was feeling like trying Debian/Hurd again, so I downloaded and installed daily
> DVD.iso.

Remember that daily images are completely untested, so it is really like
playing lottery.

> running it with:
> kvm -m 1G -drive file=hd.img,cache=writeback -cdrom
> debian-sid-hurd-i386-DVD-1.iso
> at first I gave 5Gb to hd.img, but it froze in installing libcu I think...

That's not expected, 5G should have been more than enough.

> But the real question is: Is it normal that lspci just return to the next line,
> not showing anything?

/servers/bus/pci is not yet available to non-root accounts.


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