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Fresh install of Debian Hurd

Hi Everyone!

I have just created myself a Virtual Machine for running Debian Hurd,
for testing patches to Debian packages (I'm not a Debian Developer so
don't have automatic access to the porterboxes).

The installation seems to have gone fine and does boot... but this is
where things go wrong, after setting a static IP I try to ssh into the
machine which fails. Then tried to restart ssh and reboot the machine
all of which fail... with no apparent errors.

When the VM boots there are a few error messages that I believe may be
the cause of this.

> INIT: version 2.88 booting
> Using makefile-style concurrent boot in runlevel S.
> ERROR: could not open /proc/stat: No such file or directory
> procfs: --nodev: (PROGRAM ERROR) Option should have been recognised!?
> Try 'procfs --help' or 'procfs --usage' for more information.
> mount: cannot start translator /hurd/procfs: Translator died

It then carries on booting but with several more ERROR: lines stating is
cannot open various /proc/* files.

Any ideas on how to fix this?

P.S: I'm not subscribed to either debian-hurd@l.d.o or help-hurd.g.o so
please cc me in any replies.

Daniel Lintott
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