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Trying to install sarge on a C200

Hi everybody,

I've tried for a full week-end to install debian sarge 3.1r0a onto an HP C200 but the machine wins! :(

My C200 has 256MB Ram, console on serial and a new HD, a 36GB Quantum Atlas 10K II HP branded.

Installation media are sarge CD "NetInst" plus both dvd of sarge 3.1r0a loaded on a laptop and published via http.

Installation goes fine (after a couple of tricks included the increased ramdisk size), partitioning was made using the default "erase all disk" and "all files in one partition" - parted does not complain. At the end the new system boot correctly and base-config runs fine (also if the installed kernel is the smp version and no the single cpu version).

When TaskSel starts I check all the options except the last (manual package selection) and download starts correctly and ends without troubles.

In the installation phase after a while I get the following error:

Setting up libxml2 (2.6.16-7) ...
attempt to access beyond end of device
sda5: rw=0, want=3221858888, limit=69352542
attempt to access beyond end of device
sda5: rw=0, want=100992856, limit=69352542
attempt to access beyond end of device
sda5: rw=0, want=3222907464, limit=69352542
attempt to access beyond end of device
sda5: rw=0, want=100992856, limit=69352542
attempt to access beyond end of device
sda5: rw=0, want=1078569544, limit=69352542
attempt to access beyond end of device
sda5: rw=0, want=100992856, limit=69352542
attempt to access beyond end of device
sda5: rw=0, want=2152307272, limit=69352542
attempt to access beyond end of device
sda5: rw=0, want=1075948104, limit=69352542
attempt to access beyond end of device
sda5: rw=0, want=100992856, limit=69352542
attempt to access beyond end of device
sda5: rw=0, want=2149685832, limit=69352542
attempt to access beyond end of device
sda5: rw=0, want=3226577480, limit=69352542
attempt to access beyond end of device
sda5: rw=0, want=100992856, limit=69352542

I've looked into the syslog, message and dmesg but no scsi or other strange errors found!

I've tried with both 64 and 32 bit kernel, with ext2, ext3 and XFS for the root filesystem (XFS complain with strange behaviuor, but was late when I tried and I was very tired so I have to check again... ;) ) but always the same error (with ext3 the error was similar but with the immediate re-mount in read only mode of the root partition).

Now I am in a deadlock, any clue is welcome! (except the throwing of the C200 to the garbage bin! ;) )

Thank you.



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