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Re: hinotify

Hi Andrew,

Am Donnerstag, den 16.12.2010, 21:28 -0500 schrieb R. Andrew Bailey:
>   I've created a package for "hinotify", which I need to enable a
>   feature that I like in xmobar. It's a very basic cabal package, so I
>   essentially just copied the template and replaced the relevant stuff.
>   I'm not currently a debian maintainer, and when I read through the
>   list archive and saw that the DHG maintains many of the haskell
>   packages collectively, it sounded like a better idea than maintaining
>   it myself (although I would be happy to keep it up to date).
>   How should I go about submitting the package for review? Should I
>   follow the standard process from the New Maintainer's Guide, or would
>   it be better just to have a member of the group take care of that
>   part?
>   For now, I've stashed the source package at:
>   https://github.com/GooseYArd/debian/tree/master/libghc6-hinotify
>   any advice appreciated!

thanks for offering to help out, and to come to use by yourself. I think
Debian benefits if all Haskell libraries are maintained under the same
hood and infrastructure.

Now, it seems that you have not done any Debian packaging before. If
your main motivation is to have hinotify in Debian, and not much else
besides, then I’d say that it is not worth the hassle for you to go
through NM just for this package. We’ll happily maintain it.

If, on the other hand, you are motivated to help with Haskell in Debian
in general, you are very welcome to join our team. If you want to do so,
please create an account on alioth so that I can add you. Then you can
upload your package to our darcs repository and we can review and
sponsor the upload.

Depending on your own motivation and goals, you can then eventually
start the New Maintainer process, in order to become a full Debian
Developer – which is always good, but my no means a requirement for
being a useful member of the DHG.

Now about hinotify, some questions and hits about the packaging, in
random order as I quickly look over it.

Did you subscribe to d-haskell? You should if you want to work in the
DHG, I’ll stop CC’ing you then.

You say it’s for a feature in xmobar. Does the xmobar package need to be
modified for that? If yes, did you talk with the xmobar maintainer (not
a member of the DHG) about that?

You checked in generated files such as .dsc and .tar.gz into your git
repository. This is uncommon, for good reasons; only check in manually
edited files. For the DHG repository, there are processes described on
the Debian wiki.

The source package name ought to read „haskell-hinotify“.


Joachim "nomeata" Breitner
Debian Developer
  nomeata@debian.org | ICQ# 74513189 | GPG-Keyid: 4743206C
  JID: nomeata@joachim-breitner.de | http://people.debian.org/~nomeata

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