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Re: new distribution

* trixter http://www.0xdecafbad.com (trixter@0xdecafbad.com) wrote:
> On Sun, 2005-01-02 at 12:32 -0600, Chris Larson wrote:
> > I'd be inclined to agree here.  That time you're taking to try to strip
> > it down is wasted.  The OE/familiar/OZ folks have already taken care of
> > this for over 1,300 packages.  I'd recommend either working with us, or
> > using stock debian.  Admittedly, my opinion is biased, but I hate to see
> > people duplicating work for no good reason.  If you don't like ipkg..
> > dpkg and apt and rpm are buildable with the system, and I expect would be
> > useful without an inordinate amount of work.
> > </shameless promotion> ;)
> the problem is that familiar is broke, they arent fixing stuff and many
> new problems are being introduced.
> They refuse to test stuff after making seat of the pants changes to
> packages (look at the latest kernel and ppp updates for an example of
> this).  
> familiar duplicates work in the way they do kernel development, they
> also make it harder on themselves to try to get the kernel mains
> streamed, but I get the distinct impression they dont want that, that
> they want people to go to them not get a stock kernel, if their patches
> were mainstreamed people wouldnt have to goto them.  

I'm not talking about kernel work here.  OE has numerous kernels for
countless platforms.  I'm talking about distro work which is independent
of platform.
Chris Larson - kergoth at handhelds dot org
Linux Software Systems Engineer - clarson at ti dot com
OpenZaurus Project Maintainer - http://openzaurus.org/

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